The world is in flames. Are you impelled to put them out? Look at the cross. From the open heart gushes the blood of the Saviour. This extinguishes the flames of hell. Make your heart free by the faithful fulfillment of your vows; then the flood of divine love will be poured into your heart until it overflows and becomes fruitful to all the ends of the earth.
Do you hear the groans of the wounded on the battlefields in the west and the east? You are not a physician and not a nurse and cannot bind up the wounds. You cannot get to them. Do you hear the anguish of the dying? You would like to be a priest and comfort them. Does the lament of the widows and the orphans distress you? You would like to be an angel of mercy and help them. Look at the Crucified. If you are bound to him by the faithful observance of your holy vows, your being is precious blood. Bound to him, you are omnipresent as he is......Your compassionate love takes you everywhere, this love from the divine heart. Its precious blood is poured everywhere, soothing, healing, saving.
The eyes of the Crucified look down on you, asking, probing. Will you make your covenant with the Crucified anew in all seriousness? What will you answer Him? 'Lord, where shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.' " by Edith Stein, from Bread and Wine, Readings for Lent and Easter.

Blessings on all my readers this Good Friday, as we commemorate the greatest sacrifice ever made.
So beautiful and challenging!!
It is so easy to "be obsessed" with trivial things and "forget" this all important need. I also love the imagery of only being able to provide for others Through Him. Seems like we're thinking alike today! Love to All!
And a Happy Easter to you and all the family.
May my heart find its sole obsession in Him as well. Thanks so much for the beautiful reminder!
Since I'm running a bit behind, let me offer hearty congratulations to your brother and his fiance!! I'm so happy for you all. She really does seem like a lovely person (if I may comment after only one meeting). :) Also enjoyed the many pictures. Your kids make me laugh!! And I mean that in the absolutely best way possible. I think they're great.
Hope to see you Thursday!!
I'm back in the blogesphere after a month of travelling. It's good to catch up on everything. Hope you had a nice Easter.
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