I just watched that movie, "Facing the Giants" for the first time this week. We've been down with the flu...I mean the bona-fide Influenza, strain A that doesn't respond to the meds, kinda flu. So there's been little of productive things going on around here.
But back to the movie....I'm not much of a sports fan, so I didn't watch it for any sports influence. But there was a greater message and symbolism that was trying to be conveyed, and THAT I was interested in. I shed my share of tears throughout (mostly b/c that's just my way!), but I also found myself a little annoyed (as can also be my way) that as these key characters prayed and trusted God more and more that more and more miracles just kept happening. Like every thing they asked for, hoped for, longed for just started coming their way. And I don't mean to sound harsh...I don't think the movie was actively seeking to promote a prosperity gospel.... And by the end, and during bonus features, I got the idea somewhere that it had been based on a true story. So, not sure about that, but it would certainly step it up a bit for me if that were true. "Facing the Giants" was definitely a story about trusting God.
I'm rambling, I know. Been away from Blogger too long. Bottom line, I did like the movie, and I was terribly impressed that a production of that magnitude could come simply from the desire of one church in one little town, to do something BIG for God. I think that's pretty cool. (and for those who don't know, these are the same people who brought us Fireproof).
There is a need in my life to get a firm grip on what it really means to trust God. Sometimes I'm amazed that after years in a Christian environment, Christian education, sitting under the sound of solid biblical teaching and preaching, knowing Godly people, that I could still struggle with such simple basic concepts. What does fully trusting God look like? What does it feel like? Or does it feel like anything at all?
So I'm doing the only thing I know to do when I'm earnestly seeking to cultivate a Christ-like trait, or be obedient to His desires. I'm telling him how much I want to trust him. Asking his Spirit to teach me. Praying for "grace to trust Him more". And keeping it foremost in my thinking and speaking until it becomes part of me. And then just looking for every opportunity presented to put my new "skill" to use. Maybe there's a better way, but I haven't figured it out yet.
Life is so complex at times, and the way it plays out doesn't often match (at least in our experience) the beautiful watercolor-like fantasies that have taken up residence in our minds for years on end. We may not know how to navigate the waters of this "new" picture, nor how to figure out where certain puzzle pieces fit. But if we can learn to Trust our Maker, the lover of our souls, who surely does know and understand...then maybe we can rise to our fullest potential in Him! Maybe we can face those giants.
So...these are my thoughts, poorly expressed at best, in an effort to reunite with Blogger. There are so many things rattling around in my mind and heart that I would love to blog about, but simply lack the skill to do it justice.
Blessings to any readers still out there! Be careful....it's probably dusty in here! :)
So glad you decided to "reunite" here...I'm sneezing from the dust:)
I certainly do not have any flowery tips about trust for you...but (like you) striving to just do it. I think the key is His "grace to trust Him more." Thankful that He wants to help us.
(and, just to be ornery...I must admit to having seen neither movie, and kinda not even planning to...but you have made me a "leetle" more interested...:)
Good thoughts friend. I liked the movie as well but share your view that things wound up a bit too neatly in the end! However, I believe that I can also limit God at times by not letting Him show Himself strong in my behalf. I think your path to trust sounds like a good one. I wish you the best on your journey. If you see someone nearby on the path that looks a bit lost but expectant...that will be me. =) Love you!
Haven't seen the movies you refer to but my first thoughts when reading that you are asking God to help you to trust Him more is....Be careful what you ask for. In recent times...when I've asked God to help me to trust Him more...He tested me on that and I mean with the ACID test. But, I have to say...it's the best way to learn and possibly the only way. I always tell God I want to be an easy learner. Who wants to loose close loved ones and everything that makes you feel secure. But, it seems to be the way God teaches best.
We love Facing the Giants! But then again, our boys are sports crazed right now. The first time I watched it I looked over at Tom and said "that would have been a stronger message if everything hadn't wrapped up so neat and they still trusted God." However, weeks later (and after they'd watched it multiple times) when Cole was learning in real life what it meant to lose a game, he said to me, "just like in Facing the Giants, whether we win or lose we still praise God." He gets it! It wasn't applied to his life just when things were working out to his liking.
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