Sunday, January 20, 2008


I hope you read my blog title in your very best Swiper (from Dora the Explorer) voice. Anita has, for sheer mean-ness, tagged me in some book tag thingy. So I will be a good girl, and comply. Though, since I was not asked to tag others, I will refrain from doing so! If you want to share your responses to the same questions, I would love to hear them, however. So here we go:

Book that most changed my life: (I'm foregoing the obvious Bible choice here, to use elsewhere) Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins.

Book I've read more than once: That would be the Zion Chronicles and Covenant Series by Brock and Bodie Thoene.

Book I'd Most Want To Have W/Me on a Desert Island: Yes...that would be the Bible.

Book That Made Me Cry: Healing for Damaged Emotions, by Seamunds...DO NOT LAUGH! Oh, and one other book that made me cry, The Christ of the Gospels....(can't remember author)MOST HIDEOUS COLLATERAL READING EVER!!!!!!! Apologies to any esteemed Dr. Brown relatives reading this. ;)

Book that Made me Laugh: Anne of Green Gables...L.L. Montgomery

Book I Wish I Had Written: Any book ever recommended by Oprah Winfrey, as that would guarantee my success and wealth! (Disclaimer: I do NOT ascribe to the O.Winfrey Book Club....this is only a JOKE!)

Book I am Currently Reading: Through the Year with C.S. Lewis, and still working through Well-Educated Mind, by Susan Wise Bauer...slowly, slowly, slowly........

Book I Recently Finished: Total Money Makeover and Workbook by Dave Ramsey

Book I Started But Never Finished: This is so embarrassing, but so true and telling......The Disciplined Life by Richard Taylor. Sad, Sad, Sad........

So, there you have it. Probably not the most nerdy, smart-people collection of books you've ever seen. If you want to see books that I like and recommend (at least a smidgen of them) you can scroll to the bottom of this page for my list! That would probably be a better sampling of me! Have a great week, people!


Anita Marie said...

Thanks Tara for being a good sport.

Anonymous said...

Yay to you for your compliance and truly funny list. I enjoyed it immensely! I agree wholeheartedly that L.M. Montgomery can make you laugh. I love her!

In response to your previous post. I don't know when I have been more aware of the accuracy of the quote you shared as in the last several years working in this job. So many times I will be talking to my girls about serious issues (or not so serious ones) and a scripture will come to mind that I memorized years ago. I find my conversations peppered with them. God's Word is so incredibly powerful, and I am convinced that if any of us are going to be able to navigate through our culture's increasingly nebulous views of truth, we MUST be people of the Word. We must allow it to shape our views, thought patterns, and life style choices. Our world hammers us every day with its paradigm through so many sources. Sometimes I think we are not even aware of its subtle influence. God's Word will keep us sane in a world of insanity.

P.S. That was all free. :)

Julia said...

YOU ARE SO FUNNY! Laughed right out with the Christ of the Gospels comment. It made me cry too. If I remember right we cried together.

PS. Just a note to let you know how impressed I am with you. I FINALLY got caught up on the political post and was so impressed with your very well done thoughtful leadership there. Perhaps you should think of being a debate moderator once the kids are grown.

Tara said...

Anita, you're quite welcome! :) I only resist a little, then go with it full force!

Sonja: I can't believe I goofed up on that post; you are right: L.M. Montgomery, not L.L.!!! She's one of my most favoritest!:)
I can only imagine how crucial the scriptures are in counseling college girls. I am determined to memorize more regularly, so I can better quench the fiery darts of my own enemy.

Julia: I knew you'd like that! I believe we did cry together. That book really was heinous, and I don't think it was just immaturity, either. It was depressingly long. Did you catch my reference to our songwriting days in one of my previous posts? Kayla wants the words to "Reprobate Mind", and I'm missing a phrase. We were so funny, if I do say so myself! :) I remember you saying "I SO FUNNY" in your mr.-cookie-face-voice. You especially liked to do that when you were being a brat, if I recall! :) Love ya!