I came downstairs in the mornin' to find my hubby had left me a sweet card along with a dozen beautiful roses. Then I checked my email and found a very humorous ecard from my buddy Sonja who never forgets my b'day. Then my parientos showed up (along w/an engraved Williams-Sonoma apron and a card w/the some lovely green stuff inside!) to whisk me and the chilluns away to our local Mexican restaurant for a birthday lunch. That was a very special treat...maybe even more-so for the kids than the grown-ups. They love that place, and were BEYOND delighted when the amigos who work there gathered round me and put a big sombrero on my head while they sang a song to me in Spanish. I don't know what that song said, but it was hilarious even if I couldn't understand the words. Too bad my camera can't video and take still shots at the same time, 'cuz I would love to have Charity translate for me! Every time I hear those guys sing that song it tranports me straight back to good 'old Hondury. Where all the singers sound exactly alike. No matter what. Julia can appreciate! I guess I'll include the pics of my birthday lunch, proving once and for all that I have no pride.
That evening, Derek showed up from work early and took me to a most wonderful regional restaurant in Lexington, Dudley's. It was the whole package: ambiance (you gotta say that OM-BEE-YONTS!), top-notch service, INCREDIBLE food. We had a wonderful evening out alone just enjoying each other's company and "our" song off the latest Buble' album: "You're Everything" (love that song!).
Just for the kicks of it, I think I'll share our dinner selections with you. Both of us noticed how you could detect the high quality of ingredients in each food selection. It was all exquisite. Appetizer: Thai Chicken Wontons-Wontons filled with sweet and spicy chicken and cashews in a hot and sour dipping sauce. My main course: Penne Primavera w/grilled chicken- penne pasta tossed with green garlic, oyster mushrooms, white wine, herbed tomato butter, and grilled chicken w/asparagus tips. Derek had a perfectly grilled and seasoned Sirloin served atop pancetta polenta. Dessert was a devils food cake and vanilla bean sundae and Chocolate Decadence cake with every kind of chocolate known to mankind in it somewhere. Yes, it was heaven on earth. Our waiter snapped a quick shot of us; dimly lit dining room, but maybe you can get an idea.
I'll post my pics, and then I think I must be off to eat my leftovers from last night for lunch! :)
I am thankful to the Lord for another year of life, and the precious gift of sharing it with those that I love so much. God has been good to me.

So fun. I'm glad you included the pictures, true proof that your kiddos had as much fun as you. The date looks fun too. Yummy food, nice atmosphere, and alone time with your dearest what more could a girl ask for? I'm thinking it's worth getting older for. :) Adioooooossssss! (Funny I was just telling Matt about Fuente de la vida eterna. I'm not sure how you spell it, but we laughed.)
Feliz Cumpleaños!!!!
It looks like you had a great time. You have a beautiful family. So glad to have found your blog. Thanks for your note on my blog.
Dear friend, so glad you had a happy day! It was terribly unfair of you to dangle two lovely restaurant experiences before my hungry eyes this night. Oh well, (she takes a sip of water) I guess I'll survive. It really did sound great, and I'm so happy for you. Brought back some good memories of that Mexican restaurant and dining there with your family. Love you!
Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a very nice birthday! Derek is a good man and treats you right!:)
Hope you have a very wonderful and blessed mother's day also!
Happy Birthday Tara! I turned 34 this year as well...and didn't find it to hard to own up my age...but I think it is the new decades that really hit you. What really made me feel older this year was the realization we are leaving the baby days. I've looked forward to them all my life and they're going by so quickly.
Sorry to have missed your poll...very interesting indeed...I would definitely cast a belated vote saying the gas costs have made us feel the crunch! Tom has a very long commute as well...fortunately he can car pool with two other guys in town...but we definitely have felt the impact.
Sorry I'm a couple days late...but Happy, Happy Bday! Sounds like you had a lovely day...the dinner sounds scrumptious!! Anything w/white wine is good for me!:)
So happy to share life in this way with ya!! (I guess this will have to do)(Now to go write down your Bday somewhere....)Love Ya!
(That Sonja is somethin w/remembering, huh! O to be like her)
Ummmm. Just for the record, there are only a few dates which have imbedded themselves into my brain. Tara's and Kimberly's birthdays just happen to be two of them. I apologize to the rest of my dear friends who's birthdays I forget with alarming regularity...your names seem to be slipping away as well. Wait...who's blog is this?
Happy belated Bday...I'm jealous and ready to have the true royal treatment as well....it will have to wait til September when I am GREAT with child and won't be able to eat because of the heart burn! How's that for putting a downward look on things? Love ya and happy to hear that you had such a wonderful day with NO cooking!! My kind of birthday!
Happy Birthday Tara! Sounds like you had a fine day:)
Oh, I'm sooooo late!! Happy Birthday anyway!! :o)
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