Yes.....days in blog-world are STILL few. And how I do miss it! Eventually we'll be up and running again and I will blog with reckless abandon as in days of yore! :) Can't you tell I'm in need of a linguistic outlet?!
These have been a busy, busy, busy few weeks. And on top of that, they've been busy. Our little family has started doing some traveling and singing...something I never thought we'd do...and it's actually been really fun and uplifting. We even have the little trailer w/sound equipment in tow! How funny is that?! We've had 3 services this month, and have one service yet to do. We had two of them in Indiana, where we also managed to get in one night at Friends Campmeeting. (so sorry I missed you, Jody!) I enjoyed being at camp very much.
Then in the midst of all this, there have been the regular activities that keep us hopping at church. Derek has referred a couple of times on his blog to filling in for a service that is an outreach endeavor by another local church. Conversations had already been taking place about a possible move to this church around the first of the year. God's timing in the whole matter was different, however, and impeccable as usual. So, last Sunday Derek had the unpleasant task of rendering the resignation to our current congregation, as he plans to go on staff at the new church the first Sunday in September. This is a part-time Associate Pastor position that will most likely move to a full-time one within the next few months. Whew. BIG changes. I often tease Derek that I didn't date and/or marry a Pastor, Minister, or even a guy with those aspirations.....what a difference time makes, eh?! The calling on him is undeniable to me, though. So I am following him as he follows God. Any prayers on our behalf during this crazy time are appreciated. It is exciting as much as it is a little scary. We've been with our current congregation for six years, and we do love them. And I am attempting to resist the tendency toward guilt for leaving them. I can only assume that if God is leading us to something new then He must have something new for them, too.
If you're interested in learning a little about our new church, feel free to visit their website at Derek's bio will be added to the staff page soon so be sure to check back!
Can't wait till I can get back online regularly and catch up on all of your blogs as well. I miss the connection!
Wow that is a big change! That's great for Derek though. May the Lord be CLOSE during transitions.
I've missed you online, friend. I think it's incredibly cool that you are traveling and singing. My heart identifies with your kids. (Said the girl who grew up traipsing around the country in a van.) :) I do pray that the transition to the new church will go extremely smoothly and that God will continue to confirm His calling to both Derek and to you. Love you!
Hey Tara,
I don't know your email address or would have sent this to you through it. I've been writing some stuff that is gonna be published, and well my spelling and grammar all together is not that great, i know you are a busy person but i was wondering if you would take a look at what I've written so far and let me know what i can do to make it better. My email address is
How exciting to see God calling Derek into the ministry! Transition is never easy, but you'll never regret being in the Lord's will! Glad to hear from you again!
Definitely resist that "tendency toward guilt." I pray you have time to sit and hear God's voice. I definitely relate to the process, we've been on a similar journey recently. It's so good to hear from you and I will be praying for peace and clarity (for all 6 of you).
So when's the cd coming out??
God's best as you go through this time of transition! We love you guys...
Can we bring your family with us to do the singing when we are on deputation? Just thought I'd ask.
Sure wish you'd have a service I could come to. It's been a long time since I've heard you sing.
We will be praying for your transition to go smoothly.
Exciting times ahead! It's so good to hear from you again. I pray the move to the new church goes well for the whole family.
(Maybe you could post a video of the family singing together???) glad you posted...I've been missing you!!:) Big but not necessarily surprising news...well somewhat surprising that you are traveling around in a TRAILER! (Been there, done that in days of yore!!) Would so love to hear you all. I know ya'll will be a blessing in the new place. Love to All!
(I echo...NO MORE GUILT!)
(Yes I reposted due to too many mistakes!!)
Thank you, DEAR friends, for all your kind words and prayers!
These next couple of weeks are going to be so crazy as the actual transition is made. My husband is being pulled in three different directions right now, well four if you count home-life!....he's studying for a big test at Fidelity, still working for our current church, already taking on some responsibilities and setting up his office at the new church, and still being a hubby and daddy! Pray for him! :)
Did anybody ever tell us it was gonna get easier?.....
To the girl who grew up in a van: you need to come visit us once we settle in; I think you would really like it~
Kayla: that's about the coolest sounding suggestion I've heard in eons. can't you just IMAGINE our little singing, ya'll preaching....What a happy thought! :)
I will say to you others with grandiose thoughts of cd's, music posts, and such: ye know not of what ye seek. :) Our little family has no bragging rights in this area, to be sure. We seem gifted in the area of blessing those who have had little in the way of musical presentations at their churches. Compared to all the 'greats' that you have heard...or sung in yourselves!...we would fall short. In all seriousness, I confess that it is a joy to be used in any small way to see God reach out to others. And our kids enjoy it as well. We had the opportunity while singing in Indy, to truly experience the presence of God coming in the service, and I was so thrilled to have my children sense that happening.
This comment has turned into another blog. It may be a week or two before I'm back online regularly. I check in when I can.
Love to you all, and thanks again for your comments~ :)
Would have loved to come and hear you in Indy, but, of course, we can't get away on a Sunday. Sorry I missed you at camp too.
I'm so excited for you guys. Changes can be hard, but when you know God is in it, it makes all the difference. Praying for ya'll!
Have been checking your blog for some time now and enjoying keeping up to date with your lovely family. We have finally joined the wonderful world of blogging and would love for you to visit our site sometime. It has been a long time! Will be praying for you in your time of transition. God will be faithful and will be with you every step of the way.
Bless your hearts . . . You're busy!! Trusting that the transitions go smoothly!
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