Our Pastor shared a wonderful quote during his message on Sunday morning. It struck me so that I knew I wanted to "chew" on it for awhile. I asked him to email it to me today, and he obliged. Since it is Thanksgiving week, I thought I would pass it along to you, my readers.
"Whatever you have received more than others -- in health, in talents, in ability, in success, in a pleasant childhood, in harmonious conditions of home life -- all this you must not take yourself as a matter of course. In gratitude for your good fortune, you must render some sacrifice of your own life for another life." Albert Schweitzer
The truth is that no matter how hard things seem at times, or how tempted toward a pity-party I can become in a self-absorbed frustration with circumstances, I have indeed been the recipient of many of these good things. And I do feel compelled to "render some sacrifice" for the life of someone else. What kind of world would it be if we followed this principle of living? It reminds me of the scriptural truth that "to whom much is given, much is required." And I particularly find the use of the word sacrifice to be of interest here. That indicates so much more than just dropping a coin in a red bucket somewhere, though that may have its place as well. I'm still "chewing", you see. :)
Thanksgiving is my favoritist of all holidays. But in my giving thanks, I hope to find a way to serve and help lift the load for someone who may be more hard-pressed to find a reason for joy during this season.
Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving week to you and yours!
Very good. Real Sacrifice....not easy. But definitely the model Jesus gave us. And I think it must mean more than what we do for our own families...although that is important too.
Blessings back at ya....love to all!
Very good quote and thoughts from you too! Thanks for posting it for us to "chew on" as well!
May you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving too! =)
Wow. Good thoughts. Thanks for sharing. I marvel at how much I have been blessed and at how much I owe.
A blessed Thanksgiving to you and the family. Love you!
BTW, you've been on my mind. Hope you got my email.
Oh Tara that is good to think on indeed. And I echoe Kimber's words I think the sacrifice must extend to the world. Schweitzer's life is so interesting...his work in Africa extremely moving.
A very happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Excellent thoughts--actually experienced this "helping" others--I tagged along with a friend to hand out food to the homeless. Difficult stuff--but we are called to help somehow, someway. Thanks for sharing.
So good to read a post from you again... and this one was excellent.
Thanks for the thoughts - definitely will be on my mind this year.
Happy "favoritist" of Holidays to you!
Tara, Thanks for your sweet comment on my kids' Christmas pictures on my blog.
I trust that you and your family had a very Happy Thanksgiving!
My Daddy and Mommy are with Kimberly today in LA for their church's 50th ann. celebration. I wish I could be there too. =)
Have a great Lord's day.
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