Christmas cards just didn't get sent out from our house this year. I wanted to do it, but somehow never made it happen. I had sort of thought I might do the every-other-year Christmas newsletter anyway....right?! :) So we should be right on track next year.
I do sincerely hope that all my readers had a blessed Christmas season, rich with all the things that really matter in life. That was the sort of Christmas we had this year...a definite scale-down from some material goodies known in years past, but still rich with the love of family and the knowledge of God's goodness.
As I reflect on 2008, it was a year of great changes and continuing adjustments. I am increasingly amazed and a little alarmed at the swiftness with which time seems to pass. I know that's not actually possible, but it surely seems so! I remember writing at the beginning of 2008 that I had a sense that it was going to be a year of changes, with big things happening. I confess it didn't unfold quite like I had imagined, but thankfully there is no spiritual limitations that come with the changing of the calendar year.
In January, Derek's job with Fidelity moved from the north part of Cincy to Covington, Ky. Yes, still quite a haul, but a little closer to home, nonetheless. We still hope for the day when something closer will open up.
In February, we celebrated the 5th birthday of our sweet Sophia, and the 1st birthday of our precious Reagan. Sophie is growing into a very sensitive, considerate little girl and we are so proud of her. Reagan keeps life very exciting as little boys approaching the "terrible" twos are wont to do. He is a doll-baby though, and very beloved by his whole family!
In March, Derek and I attended the Cincinnati Homeschool Convention which we enjoyed very much and look forward to doing again. We returned home from there just in time to celebrate our Lauren's 9th birthday. She has grown so quickly, and I am still struggling to wrap my mind around the fact that I have a daughter as tall as my shoulder who is growing into a young lady. It makes me feel so old!
In April, Cameron turned 7 years old. Cameron is a rambunctious, wiggle-worm of a little guy. He is getting so big, and is nearly as big as Lauren, though she is a full two years older. He loves doing things with his Daddy, and is such a good helper with whatever task he is given to do.
In June, we marked 12 years of marriage together. How thankful I am to God for the man He has allowed me to share my life with. I'd marry him again in a heartbeat!
June also brought about a new phase in our lives when our Pastor resigned his position to move to a church in Alabama. Pastor Bill and Nancy had become so much more than just a Pastor, they were our trusted friends and confidants. We still miss them so much, and their place in our lives is still vacant. In August, Derek also accepted a call to another local church which took us away from the church we had been serving for nearly 6 years. It was a lot of transition all at once, but we have seen God's hand moving through it all. We are enjoying getting to know the congregation of which we are now a part. Our children are loving their new friends and enjoy the children's ministry at the church. Derek has a great group of young people and he is doing a wonderful job (if I may say so!) in working with them and helping them mature in their walk with God.
Another new thing, and a rather big one for our family was the decision to start doing services of music as a family. This was never something that we really envisioned doing, but it started happening one service at a time, and it has proven to be something that we enjoy as well as an avenue for ministry. We hope to continue this into 2009 as God sees fit.
Like many of you, most of my year was spent in a love/hate relationship with politics and news-watching as we followed the presidential campaign. Wish I could say that I was happy with the outcome, and looking forward to inauguration day but that is not the case. I do rest in God's sovereignty, and know this is an opportunity for growth as a nation.
The year has ended with a big "bang" as my brother Jonathan got married five days before Christmas! A wedding at Christmas time makes for a double whammy of festivities. We welcomed Monee' into our family with open arms, and wish them all the best.
So, there you have a very birdseye view of our past year. Certainly devoid of many details, but perhaps many of you have read the blog and were aware of most of these events already!
I wish you all a Happy New Year....Blessings!
It is always good to reflect back on how good God has been. I too feel very blessed. I hope you and your family have a very Happy New Year!
Thanks for the summary! I have been following your blog, but I missed some of the earlier moves that you guys went through. Busy year! I'm sure that when you look back you feel out of breath and are trying to figure out how you had the energy to do all the things you did! I wish you and your fam a Happy New Year and great things for 2009!
Happy New Year Back...Love Ya'll!
Great summary...if I remember right, you also had some sickness/pain to deal with in the midst of all these changes. How are you feeling? It has been great getting to know you again in blog world...hopefully we will hear from you regularly in this new year?? I will definitely be reading.
I think we all take it one day at a time, through the changes, trusting in a God who knows to where He is leading us.
Happy New Year to you and yours!!
Enjoyed the view. =) It really was a year filled with so many changes for you all, but how great to have some unchanging things in our lives that aren't threatened by circumstances. Love and blessings to you all!
Thanks for giving us a great recap of your year.
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