Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Sound of Silence...not really....

Once upon a time, I brought forth my firstborn: a beautiful baby girl. And then 23 months later, I gave birth to a precious baby boy. 21 months after that, the sweetest little girl came along.

As each of those little ones reached ages 3-4, they hit that "nonstop question" phase. There was LOTS of chatter in this household. Since they were so close in age, one would barely get out of the incessant question-asking stage and another would hit it. We were quite accustomed to it.

But see, there was this four-year lull. Was it ever strange when the youngest little gal had her 2nd birthday and I wasn't great with child! :)

However, God had a little surprise up His sleeve. And by youngest gal's fourth birthday, I was on bedrest, trying to keep the little caboose in the womb as long as possible.

Our little Caboose was Reagan. And he just turned four this last Valentine's Day. During the four year relative silence, I had kinda forgotten what it was like to be asked 14 trillion billion zillion questions in an 8 hour period of time.

Today, in a matter of moments, I heard the following:

"Mommy, does the sun control the moon?"
"Mommy, what does 'rotate' mean?"
"Mommy, what are little boys made out of?
"Mommy, what about cats? What are they made out of?"
"Mommy, why do I have to use the bathroom every day?" (there were other VERY interesting bathroom questions, but I'll spare you!)
"Mommy, when I grow up to be the Daddy, can I stop using my car seat?"
Mommy, why this, why that, why why Why????

So that's how I spent my day today. Answering questions I really have no idea how to answer. Probably how I'll spend a lot of days in the near future. But I stopped to remind myself that time is so fleeting, that this phase will soon fade into a memory.
I plan to cherish every minute with these precious little people entrusted to my care. Even if it is noisy.

Silence can's over-rated anyway....

So sorry about the behemoth sized font. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT? Blogger is such a pain! I tried to fix it, but to no avail. Sorry!


Making Memories 1999 said...

Awww! Precious memories, for sure! And I don't think you'll EVER look back and wish you hadn't taken the time to answer all of those questions. =) Blessings!

Julia said...

LOVE IT! I so need that reminder often. It seems like yesterday they were babies and the moments fly by...I will cherish today with my boys. Even if it means none stop talking,(wonder where our kids get that from?)cleaning up another "whoops!", or finding a "collection" of rocks and sticks in the house. :) Thanks.

The Dickinsons said...

Had to laugh about what you said about the huge print. You are hilarious.
Good post! I read a comment by a lady the other day that said she wished she could go back and relive when her baby was young. Wow! I'm trying to enjoy every question, and every moment...for like you said, we won't have these moments forever. =)